Portail Images
The launch version of the Musée Départemental Albert-Kahn’s Portail Images includes 65,000 notes and images of works from the museum’s collections. In particular, visitors can discover the Archives de la Planète, and all of its still and moving images, made at the beginning of the 20th century and dedicated to the diversity of people and cultures.

The photographic and cinematographic collections from The Archives de la Planète are accessible online and downloadable in high resolution, under license. Their usage rights are indicated in the General Usage Conditions.
For all requests for original high-definition files or to borrow a work, consult the Professionals section.
Please note, only the images not under copyright are downloadable. The still images may be downloaded in batches from the selection. The films are only downloadable one at a time, from their descriptive notes.
Search tool and exploring the website
The Musée Départemental Albert-Kahn’s Portail Images proposes several research and exploration tools:
- Plain text search engine,
- Advanced search form,
- Parameters making it possible to filter the search results: by subject, photographer/camera operator, mission (event), theme, sub-theme, person represented and type of usage license.
The clickable elements in the notes and online collections make it possible to conduct additional searches.
It is also possible to export the search results in a printable format (PDF).
Digitizing the collections
Images on The Musée Départemental Albert-Kahn’s Portail Images are the fruit of several digitization campaigns. The films from The Archives de la Planète collection are currently being digitized in high definition and will gradually become available on the portal in a much higher quality.